Become a COVID-19 Community Champion for Kent and Medway Frequently Asked Questions The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 has highlighted the existing inequalities in particular groups across England. For instance, a recent report published by Public Health England has shown that mortality rates from COVID-19 in some Black, Asian and

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Zostaňte upozornení - Ovládajte vírusy - Zachráňte životy Najnovšie informácie o programe Covid-19, radu, help and local services please go to the Dover District Council website at or call on 01304 821199. From 1st June the Town Council offices are open to the public from 10am to 1pm Monday to Friday (excluding public

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Every year on 23rd April Dover remembers with thanks and honours the men who fought and died during the raid on the mole at Zeebrugge on that day in 1918. Súčasné obmedzenia Covid-19 znamenajú, že tradičné spomienky sa nemôžu konať. This year we are protecting the vulnerable in our community including our veterans

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