Dover is celebrating Christmas in style this year with a 28ft high tree in the Market Square covered with 6000 lights in blue and brilliant white all topped with a special festive star. The tree is surrounded by over 60 large snowflake decorations in matching blue and white are spread throughout the Town Centre in

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On Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th December, Dover Town Council invites you to see the Roman Lawn near Market Square transformed and illuminated by outdoor arts experts Walk the Plank as they bring their Fire Garden to the town for a unique fiery event.   The Fire Garden is an outdoor family experience which has

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Každý rok od novembra 13 - 19, people and organizations around the world participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility about transgender people and address issues members of the community face. V priebehu týždňa transrodové osoby a ich spojenci podniknú kroky na riešenie problémov predsudkov, diskriminácia, and violence that affect the transgender

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Zostaňte upozornení - Ovládajte vírusy - Zachráňte životy Najnovšie informácie o programe Covid-19, radu, help and local services please go to the Dover District Council website at or call on 01304 821199. I accordance with Government restrictions the Town Council offices will be closed to the public from Thursday 5th November but we

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Výročné spomienky na nedeľňajšiu spomienku na mestskú radu v Doveri pre tých, ktorí obetovali svoje životy počas vojny, sa uskutočnia online vo forme špeciálneho filmu so službou a kladením vencov, aby sa zaistila bezpečnosť Covid-19.. V novembri 8 o 11h, verejnosť môže sledovať nižšie, or visit YouTube to join in ‘Remember from

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We are very sad to hear of the death recently of former Mayor, Robert (Bob) Markham. Bob joined the Council in 2000 and served for over 10 years until his retirement in 2011. Bob was no stranger to the work of the Council on his election, having ably supported his partner Mrs Lynn Young in

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