Le conseil municipal et les habitants de Douvres sont profondément attristés d'apprendre le décès de SAR le duc d'Édimbourg. Le prince Philip était marié à la reine depuis plus 70 years and devoted himself to a life of outstanding public service and duty. He was a good friend to Dover, en visite avec Sa Majesté à 1958 et encore dans 2006 pour les célébrations de la fondation du port 400 il y a des années. Au cours de cette visite, il était particulièrement désireux d’entendre parler de l’histoire et de l’expérience de la ville pendant la guerre, ainsi que de son rôle moderne en tant que plaque tournante du voyage international..
Nous envoyons nos condoléances et nos pensées vont à Sa Majesté et à la famille royale alors que nous pleurons sa perte.
The Town Council is acting in accordance with official advice concerning tributes from members of the public which is attached and explained below.
Following the death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh we know that many of you will be wanting to pay tribute to him and offer condolences to Her Majesty The Queen at this sad time.
Our priority remains to keep everyone safe and, due to the current public health guidelines and lockdown restrictions around COVID-19, we will not be providing books of condolences at our buildings.
We would like to encourage you to leave your tributes to The Duke of Edinburgh by signing the book of condolence on the website of The Royal Household.
You can find the book of condolence ici
If you are unable to access the online book of condolence you are welcome to send your tribute in writing to the following address;
Tribute to HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, Kent County Council, The Civic Office, Sessions House, County Road, Maidstone ME14 1XQ
The Royal Household has requested that members of the public do not leave floral tributes or gather in public places to offer their respects. The Palace has suggested that people could donate to charity instead, if they wish to do so.