Poort na die krans

Wat beteken die White Cliffs vir jou?

Kom deel jou gevoelens, jou gedagtes en jou herinneringe by ons – of jy nou is 5 of 95, of jy jou lewe lank in die dorp woon en of jy net 'n rukkie hier gewoon het.

The cliff path from Athol Terrace to the magnificent heights of the White Cliffs has been hidden and underused in recent years.

Dover Town Council is joining with the Up on the Downs Project and artist Elaine Trilby to make improvements that will result in the link between the Town and the Cliffs being better known and used by locals and tourists alike. Funding from the Town Council has already given the Athol Terrace approach a much smarter look.

The White Shop is a temporary pop up art-space providing and opportunity for local residents to be part of the creative process for the designs of the new sculptural installations marking the route.

Come and join the conversation with Elaine and test your creative talents.

Make origami birds of all shapes and sizes, clay coccoliths with a glitzy finish and design a silhouette landscape.

Leave your artworks on display or take them home (but please let Elaine photograph them first – she wants to try to include lots of your ideas in the finished artwork)


Maak oop : Dinsdag 5 – Friday 10 April 2016 10am – 4pm

Venue Biggin St, Dover – Opposite Costa Coffee Shop

Cost Free!