在上午11點在週日 13 十一月 2022, 104 年從停戰在簽約 1918, 多佛會記得所有誰給了他們生活在自己的國家服務的軍人和婦女.
標準巡遊, 退伍軍人和其他組織將組裝31b的外側&M Store in Biggin Street at 10.30am and march to the War Memorial in front of Maison Dieu House where two minutes silence will be observed at 11.00am. The Memorial Service will be conducted by Reverend Catherine Tucker and will be followed by the laying of wreaths. The parade will then march back through the town to the Market Square. 議員戈登·考恩, 多佛的虔誠權鎮鎮長將在聖施禮. 聖瑪麗教堂.
Service sheets will be available to members of the public at the service and are also available for download from the Town Council’s website here 紀念星期日 2022 Order of Service:
The Royal British Legion Memorial Crosses will be in place from now until 25日 十一月 2022, along with the wreaths from the day of the Service. Anybody wishing to collect their wreath will be able to do so or they will be re-cycled.