Il y avait des files d'attente à l'ouverture du 2019 Big Draw in The Biggin Hall today with all ages from tots to teenagers and seniors busy making pictures together. The Big Draw is a National Festival of Drawing which takes place each year promoting drawing as a key skill that is important not only for

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PRIX DU PEUPLE DE DOVER 2018 Les People of Dover Awards ont été lancés 5 il y a des années par le conseil municipal de Douvres, pour honorer les individus, des groupes et des entreprises dont l'engagement, le sens de la communauté et l'implication personnelle contribuent à faire de Douvres un endroit merveilleux où vivre et travailler. Depuis 2013 il y a eu de nombreuses récompenses…

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A new edition of Dover Life funded by the Town Council is available from the Town Council offices, Dover Museum and other locations in the Town. It includes a fascinating compilation of photographs of Dover in years gone by together with pictures of the same spot today showing some huge changes but also much that

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Dover Town Council’s High Meadow Nature Reserve has won a GOLD AWARD in the Richard Neame Local Wildlife Site Awards The award recognises 20 years of hard work on the part of the Dover Town Council and the White Cliffs Countryside Partnership who have made the 19 hectare site an outstanding natural and wildlife habitat

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