PEOPLE OF DOVER AWARDS 2018 The People of Dover Awards were launched 5 years ago by Dover Town Council, to honour the individuals, groups and businesses whose commitment, sense of community and personal involvement help to make Dover a wonderful place in which to live and work. ตั้งแต่ 2013 there have been a host of award


Well over £1000 was raised for Meningitis Now at the Valentine Ball hosted by the Mayor and Mayoress, Councillor and Mrs Neil Rix, at Dover Town Hall. Those attending enjoyed a splendid meal followed by dancing to the wonderful Kingsdown Band – who rounded off the evening by playing for an extra half an hour


A new edition of Dover Life funded by the Town Council is available from the Town Council offices, Dover Museum and other locations in the Town. It includes a fascinating compilation of photographs of Dover in years gone by together with pictures of the same spot today showing some huge changes but also much that
