Majlis Perbandaran Dover dengan bangganya memperkenalkan Dover Zikir Art Trail memperingati dan menghormati angkatan tentera dan mereka yang dibayar pengorbanan muktamad. Seni mengingati jejak mengandungi lima keping dan mempunyai tiga pameran baru oleh artis British Mark Humphrey memperingati akhir Perang Dunia Pertama, two named Point of Everyman’s Land and

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perdana baru "Spirit of Discovery" Saga telah dilancarkan oleh DYMM Duchess of Cornwall dari Dover pada 5 julai. The new ship has room for 999 penumpang dengan 540 kabin dan suite semua beranda, 5 restoran, bars and entertainment venues. The library will provide a quieter space while the lido and spa and gym will provide

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Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan joined the crowds and got with the beat at the Dover Together Multicultural Festival on Saturday 29th June in Pencester Gardens, an annual event which is now a firm favourite with everyone. The Dover Together Multicultural Festival aims to bring the diverse communities of Dover together to celebrate and

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The bollards are blooming with colourful summer flowers along the length of Castle Street in the heart of the Dover’s Old Town thanks to Town Council funding. Castle Street is the most photographed street in Dover with its mix of historic buildings and fabulous view of the Castle itself – and it’s now looking even

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Datuk Bandar, Councillor Gordon Cowan was up early to join the staff and first customers of Dover’s new B&M store. B&M wasted no time in renovating and moving into the well-loved premises formerly occupied by Marks and Spencer’s for many decades before their move to the St James Development. In cutting the ribbon to officially

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Newly elected Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan was there to celebrate the opening of the new Winston Suite at the Dover Marina Hotel. The new suite represents a substantial investment in the tourism infrastructure of the town and is proof positive of the growing confidence that Dover is set to be the place for

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Pelawat yang datang lebih dari Belgium disebabkan oleh kehadiran Dover Destinasi di Ostend di festival Anchor yang! Dover tujuan dengan Dover Muzium Pengangkutan dan Dover Zaman Gangsa Boat Trust menuju ke Ostend di festival Anchor dalam Belgium mempamerkan Dover dan menonjolkan kepada pengunjung apa yang mereka boleh dilihat dan dilakukan di Dover. lebih…

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