Dover Town Council proudly unveils the Dover Remembrance Art Trail commemorating and honouring the armed forces and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. 思い出の芸術の道は5枚で構成され、第一次世界大戦の終わりを記念イギリス人アーティスト、マーク・ハンフリーによってつの新しい展示が特徴, two named Point of Everyman’s Land and


Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan joined the crowds and got with the beat at the Dover Together Multicultural Festival on Saturday 29th June in Pencester Gardens, 今みんなで根強い人気です毎年恒例のイベント. The Dover Together Multicultural Festival aims to bring the diverse communities of Dover together to celebrate and


Blooming Bollards

The bollards are blooming with colourful summer flowers along the length of Castle Street in the heart of the Dover’s Old Town thanks to Town Council funding. Castle Street is the most photographed street in Dover with its mix of historic buildings and fabulous view of the Castle itself – and it’s now looking even


市長, 市議会議員ゴードン・コーワン, joined the Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Kent, the Chairman of Dover District Council and other civic dignitaries at the Council Offices to mark Armed Forces Day 2019. The day is a chance every year to show support for all the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community


市長, ゴードン議員のゴードン・コーワンは、ドーバーの新しいBのスタッフと最初の顧客に加わるために早くから起きていました。&Mストア. B&Mは、セントジェームスデベロップメントに移転する前に、マークス&スペンサーが何十年もの間占有していた愛されている建物を改装して移転することに時間を無駄にしませんでした。. In cutting the ribbon to officially


Newly elected Mayor of Dover Councillor Gordon Cowan was there to celebrate the opening of the new Winston Suite at the Dover Marina Hotel. The new suite represents a substantial investment in the tourism infrastructure of the town and is proof positive of the growing confidence that Dover is set to be the place for


Visitors are coming over from Belgium due to Destination Dover’s presence at Ostend at the Anchor festival! Destination Dover with Dover Transport Museum and the Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust headed over to Ostend at the Anchor festival in Belgium showcasing Dover and highlighting to visitors what they can see and do in Dover. 以上…
