Congratulations to everyone involved in the fabulous success of Dover’s first Dover Pride event on Saturday 31st August celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. Mayor Councillor Gordon Cowan led the Parade from the Market Square to the Town Hall during the morning and opened the entertainment at the Town Hall. The Town Hall was packed to capacity

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The Age of the Anglo-Saxons came back to Dover on 17-18th August in a weekend of activities and fun. There was something for everyone. On the Roman Lawn an Anglo-Saxon living village set up with games to play, craft activities including a coin minting workshop, authentic food, woodworking and textile work. Swords, shields and other

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Stále je ešte čas, aby vyleštiť topánky a vystúpiť na Biele útesy Walking Festival, ktorý beží od 22. do 28. augusta sa prechádzky pre všetky vekové kategórie, záujmy a schopnosti. Môžete sledovať líniu stratených stredovekých hradieb Dover je, explore the prosperous history of Dover through its corn mills, paper mills

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17.augusta & 18th krok späť v čase počas veku Sasov na ustanovujúcom Dover História festivalu organizuje Destination Doveri a Múzeum v Doveri.   Dover História Festival je celý víkend plný voľných * saských tematických aktivít pre všetky vekové kategórie, vrátane Saxon & Viking žijúci dediny s razenie mincí, dark

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There was standing room only at the meeting of the Town Council on 17 Júla. Young people organising Dover’s first Pride event on 31st August outlined their plans for a march through the Town, rally and celebration of the local LGBTQ+ community to Councillors. All Dovorians are welcome to show support and to come along

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A single soldier stands facing France. He is surrounded by thousands of poppies dedicated to the fallen by the public throughout the UK paying tribute to each and every one of the sacrifices made. Every One Remembered by sculptor Mark Humphrey is being installed looking out to sea, and facing France where so many died

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