Dover Town Council has scored a win with the installation of the Town’s first out door table football and table tennis in Maison Dieu Gardens next to the Age UK Riverside Centre. Available all year round to everyone, hulle is vry om te gebruik - net pop saam met jou vriende, and a few bats

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Congratulations to everyone involved in the fabulous success of Dover’s first Dover Pride event on Saturday 31st August celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. Mayor Councillor Gordon Cowan led the Parade from the Market Square to the Town Hall during the morning and opened the entertainment at the Town Hall. The Town Hall was packed to capacity

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Nuwe baniere is in die Ordonnansie op as 'n herinnering aan jou bydrae tot toekomstige Dover se maak deur die voltooiing van jou Neighborhood Plan vraelys. Neighbourhood planning gives communities a chance to take the lead in producing part of the development plan for their area – a Neighbourhood Plan is important – it is a legal document

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The Age of the Anglo-Saxons came back to Dover on 17-18th August in a weekend of activities and fun. There was something for everyone. On the Roman Lawn an Anglo-Saxon living village set up with games to play, craft activities including a coin minting workshop, authentic food, woodworking and textile work. Swords, shields and other

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Daar is nog tyd om jou stewels poets en stap uit by die White Cliffs Stap fees wat strek vanaf 22-28 Augustus met vlakke te alle ouderdomme te pas, belangstellings en vermoëns. Jy kan die lyn van Dover se verlore Middeleeuse stad mure volg, verken die welvarende geskiedenis van Dover deur middel van sy koring molens, paper mills

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Daar was staanplek net op die vergadering van die Stadsraad op 17 Julie. Young people organising Dover’s first Pride event on 31st August outlined their plans for a march through the Town, rally and celebration of the local LGBTQ+ community to Councillors. All Dovorians are welcome to show support and to come along

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'N Enkele soldaat staan ​​teenoor Frankryk. Hy is omring deur duisende poppies gewy aan die geval by die publiek in die Verenigde Koninkryk wat hulde bring aan elkeen van die slagoffers gemaak. Elkeen onthou word deur beeldhouer Mark Humphrey word geïnstalleer op soek na die see, and facing France where so many died

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