数以百万计的人通过多佛,每年的端口, many stopping off to see the sights and historical landmarks in the town as well as to enjoy the beach and seaside. Visitors to Dover will find it easier to get their bearings thanks to the new sign posts leading to the Seafront and the


如果月是绿色的, 十月的颜色肯定是黄色或橙色, 因为这是这个月带来随着飘落的树叶, 南瓜和南瓜的收获. 这是后者的脸上笑嘻嘻的,我们在这个月的最后一天看到, 烛光和发光…


九月是分配中苦乐参半的月份. 在炎热的夏季和早收之后, 秋天的篝火声不会太远. 希望你仍然会喜欢黄瓜, 葱, 夏南瓜, 莴苣, 韭菜和菠菜. 土豆和西红柿都应该充足. 临近月底,最后的…
