
数以百万计的人通过多佛,每年的端口, 许多人停下来参观镇上的景点和历史地标以及享受海滩和海边. 游客多佛会发现更容易得到他们的轴承得益于新的标志杆,导致海滨和市中心. 新拱门, 拥有幸福的蓝鸟, 是一个标志审计的结果,表明人们在努力寻找距离海滨镇的路上. The gateways are the latest addition in a long line of improvements including the distinctive blue and gold finger-posts and bollards together with new benches and bins. More enhancements are on the horizon in Dover Town Council’s continued commitment to restore Dover to her former glory.