Tí z nás, ktorí zdieľajú svoje životy s ušľachtilým psom, vieme, že neexistuje pravdivejšia fráza, ktorá by ich opísala ‘ mužov najlepší priateľ'. Túto Veľkú noc, Dover Town…
Ak pripadnú tvoje narodeniny 21 apríla a bude to už 90 rokov, Rada mesta Dover by vás chcela počuť. Please get in touch for the opportunity…
Všetci sme rozmaznaní prírodnou krásou Doveru a obklopením takou nádherou, sometimes it takes a reminder to realise how much may be gained from a…
Mayor Chris Precious was delighted to hand over a cheque for £500.00 to members of The White Cliffs Ramblers to help them with their preparations for the White Cliffs Walking…
Mestská rada v Doveri je potešená správou, že Organizácia riadenia námornej dopravy schválila nariadenie o revízii prístavu. And even more delighted that the MMO has addressed this Council’s…
Sunday January 17th is a red letter day in Dover as the Major Award-winning Cory Band will be holding a Brass Master Class and conducting an afternoon concert at Charlton Church…
Starosta Doveru, Radca Chris Precious, is holding a Valentine Dinner Dance in the Town Hall on 12 február 2016. Come enjoy a 3 course meal with live band…
Nechajte sobotu 16. januára voľnú ako starosta Doveru, Radca Chris Precious, organizuje večer plný zábavy v St. Mary the Virgin Parish Hall on Cannon Street…
Christmas Eve will mark 101 years since the first bomb fell on British soil at the start of the Great War. The explosive landed in Taswell Street but was intended…
Christmas is officially just around the corner now as Dover Town Council ushered in the season with their spectacular Christmas Lights Switch-On on Saturday 5 Decembra. Biggin Street to Market…