DTC sponzoruje Deň výcviku psov na High Meadow Sobota 26. marca

Tí z nás, ktorí zdieľajú svoje životy s ušľachtilým psom, vieme, že neexistuje pravdivejšia fráza, ktorá by ich opísala ‘ mužov najlepší priateľ'. Túto Veľkú noc, Mestská rada Dover sa spojila s úžasnými ľuďmi z That Dog Place v Hythe, aby ponúkli celý deň zábavy a výcviku pre psov. (and their best friends).

The day will include talks and demonstrations; a lead workshop, with advice on what lead to use, and when; Recall Alley , with loads of toy and food distractions, plus much, much more. The day will enable us to spend time with our dogs in the beautiful natural setting of High Meadow, engaged in activities with them that will enhance our lives together as well as provide priceless memories for days to come.

čas: The day will begin at 11:00 and last until 3:00.

Place: Meet in the field opposite Dover Grammar School for Boys just off Noah’s Ark Road

Cost : Free!

That Dog Place is a fully licensed dog daycare and training centre that provides a stimulating and safe environment for dogs to play and learn through the day, both indoors and outside. Training sessions are available and there is a groomer on site. With so many services that give dogs and their people peace of mind and great joy, once you find That Dog Place, you will wonder what took you so long.

To find out more please visit
