If your birthday falls on 21 April and this will be your 90th year, Dover Town Council would like to hear from you. Please get in touch for the opportunity to celebrate Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II’s birthday as our VIP guest. For details please ring 01304 242 625 before 24 행진.

Dover Town Council is delighted with the news that the Marine Management Organisation has approved the Harbour Revision Order. And even more delighted that the MMO has addressed this Council’s issues fully in its decision statement. The decision statement demonstrates clearly that the Town’s objections have been met and concessions made because Dover Town Council


크리스마스는 자신의 화려한 크리스마스 조명 스위치 온 토요일과 계절에 안내 도버 타운 협의회로 지금 모퉁이 공식적으로 5 십이 월. 시장 광장의 Biggin 거리 포장 마차와 함께 살아, 엔터테인먼트 및 휴일 응원. 일반적인 바람이 나오는 및 축제에 합류 사람들을 제지하지 않았다. 그만큼…
