तपाईंको डोभर – Your SayNeighbourhood Planning Community Questionnaire at Dover Library

You can have your say about the future of Dover by filling in a Dover Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire and posting it in the box at Dover Library.

Neighbourhood planning gives communities a chance to take the lead in producing part of the development plan for their area – a Neighbourhood Plan is important – it is a legal document and पर्छ अनुप्रयोगहरूको योजना बनाउँदा निर्णय गर्ने बखत.

The Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire gives everyone a chance to have their own say. यो अनलाइन उपलब्ध छ, in hard copy for pick-up at the Town Council Offices as well as the library and has been posted to every household with freepost return.

Tell us

  • डोभर तपाईं के विषयमा
  • के टाउन भविष्य बारेमा चिन्ता
  • के नयाँ शिक्षा, प्रशिक्षण र अवसर तपाईं चाहनुहुन्छ
  • तपाईं विकास कस्तो हेर्न चाहनुहुन्छ
  • डोभर बाँच्न राम्रो ठाउँ बनाउन हुनेछ के लाग्छ, काम र यात्रा

We need to hear from everyone if our Town is to be an inclusive and happy place where we can all thrive – we especially want to understand what matters to you if you are younger or have special needs such as living with a disability or being a carer or are a member of a minority community.

Your Dover – Your Say