Your DoverYour Say – Dover Kütüphanesi'nde Mahalle Planlama Topluluğu Anketi

You can have your say about the future of Dover by filling in a Dover Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire and posting it in the box at Dover Library.

Neighbourhood planning gives communities a chance to take the lead in producing part of the development plan for their area – a Neighbourhood Plan is important – it is a legal document and must be used when deciding on planning applications.

The Neighbourhood Plan Community Questionnaire gives everyone a chance to have their own say. Bu on-line kullanılabilir, in hard copy for pick-up at the Town Council Offices as well as the library and has been posted to every household with freepost return.

Tell us

  • Dover size önemli olan
  • Ne Town gelecek ile ilgili endişeler
  • Ne yeni eğitim, eğitim ve fırsatlar istediğiniz
  • Görmek istediğiniz gelişme ne tür
  • Dover yaşanacak daha iyi bir yer yapmak hangi sence, iş ve ziyaret

We need to hear from everyone if our Town is to be an inclusive and happy place where we can all thrive – we especially want to understand what matters to you if you are younger or have special needs such as living with a disability or being a carer or are a member of a minority community.

Your Dover – Your Say