#WHITERIBBONDAY # 16 dagen # MAKE DE BELOFTE - NOOIT te plegen, Excuus of zwijgen over Male GEWELD TEGEN VROUWEN

De gemeenteraad gehouden gebeurtenissen in Maison Dieu Huis en het Louis Armstrong Pub ter gelegenheid van White Ribbon Day november 25th – the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Men everywhere are asked to recognise the necessity for them to stand up and take responsibility in working towards a future without violence against women. The first step is wearing a white ribbon for the next 16 Actiedagen (tot Dag van de Mensenrechten op 10th December) en het maken van de belofte - nooit te committeren, verontschuldigen of zwijgen over geweld van mannen tegen vrouwen.

De focus van White Ribbon 2019 is on the future and ensuring the younger generation are prepared with a good understanding of the issues and what needs to be done to change things.

Dover Town Council signed up to support the Campaign last year and the 2019 events included opportunities to learn about the Campaign together with the work of Dover Pride, advice on well-being, and a chance to craft your own white ribbon.

More information about the Campaign can be found at www.whiteribbon.org.uk en u kunt de belofte ondertekenen en het verzamelen van uw wit lint badge op de kantoren Dover gemeenteraad.