स्थानीय जनता को लागी नयाँ किफायती घरहरुमा हार्दिक स्वागत छ

डोभर जिल्ला परिषद (DDC) has broken ground on three development sites that will together provide 50 new affordable homes. All of the homes will be available for rent by local people on the Council’s waiting list.

The developments at Napchester Road in Whitfield (26 homes); Kimberley Close in Dover (16 homes); र, Stockdale Gardens in Deal (8 homes) are the latest phase in the biggest programme of new council housing built in the district in a generation.

DDC plans to build up to 500 new affordable homes.

Both the Kimberley Close and Stockdale Gardens developments are brownfield sites formerly occupied by Council garages. They are for social rent and will provide interim accommodation for people who find themselves homeless before they move into permanent homes.

नेपचेस्टर रोड साइट काउन्सिल द्वारा विकसित गरीदै आएको छ व्हिटफिल्ड शहरी विस्तार. It will provide a mix of one and two-bedroom flats along with two, तीन, र चार- bedroom houses for affordable rent. A single five-bedroom house is also being built.

Cllr डेरेक मर्फी, डीडीसीको आवासका लागि क्याबिनेट सदस्य, भने: "हामी हाम्रो किफायती आवास विकास कार्यक्रमको अर्को चरणमा काम सुरु गर्न पाउँदा खुसी छौं, स्थानीय मानिसका लागि नयाँ घरहरू वितरण गर्दै.

"हामी घरहरू पनि अझ राम्रो बनाउँछौं जुन अझ दिगो हुन्छ, काउन्सिलको शुद्ध शून्य कार्बन लक्ष्यमा योगदान पुर्‍याउन डिजाइन गरिएको हो। ”

सबै तीन विकासहरू फोकस्टोन-आधारित द्वारा निर्माण भइरहेको छ, जेनर समूह.

मार्टिन Sandall, जेनर समूहको प्रबन्ध निर्देशक, भने: “Jenner are incredibly proud to be delivering the next tranche of housing on behalf of Dover District Council across the three sites, to ensure more high-quality affordable new homes are available for the local community. Working with such a proactive client, wholly focused on collaborative working and committed to their people is refreshing and rewarding and we look forward to the next stage of our journey with them in bringing the new homes to life.”

DDC has also submitted plans for a further 24 new homes at Poulton Close in Dover.

डोभर टाउन काउन्सिलका प्रवक्ताले भने –

“We warmly welcome this important step in increasing the availability of good quality social housing to the most disadvantaged households”