Walkers Welcome Dover Fish and Chips

Lokalna Dover chippie Zamek Take-away został przyznany certyfikat uznania przez White Cliffs wędrowców, którzy prowadzą popularne White Cliffs Walking Festival. Festiwal, który idzie w siłę był wspierany przez Radę Miejską z 500 funtów dotacji 2017. The Fish and Chip Walk sees walkers hike the 10 miles from Walmer to Dover with a hearty meal at the end. Former Mayor, Radna Pam Brivio, who led the bid to secure “Walkers are Welcome” status for Dover, presented the Award to owner Luigi del Duca. Luigi and his team serve up to 30 portions of fish and chips with only a few minutes notice, distribute copies of the Festival Programme and promote the Festival on their Facebook page.

Pam said “Luigi and his staff do a fine job for Dover, and helping on the Fish and Chip Walk illustrates one of the main aims of Walkers are Welcomea business demonstrating how Dover welcomes walkers”

This year’s festival takes place from 23-29 August with Friday 24th August earmarked for the 2018 Fish and Chip walk – put it in your diary now!