Transgender Awareness Week 13th-19th November and Transgender Day of Remembrance 20th November

Setiap tahun antara bulan November 13 - 19, people and organizations around the world participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility about transgender people and address issues members of the community face.

Selama seminggu orang transgender dan sekutunya mengambil tindakan untuk membawa isu-isu prasangka, diskriminasi, and violence that affect the transgender community to the attention of the community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy.

Minggu berakhir dengan Hari Peringatan Transgender (TDOR) an annual observance on 20ke- November that honours the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence during the year.

Transgender Day of Remembrance diasaskan di Amerika oleh penyokong transgender Gwendolyn Ann Smith sebagai pengawas untuk menghormati kenangan Rita Hester, seorang wanita transgender yang terbunuh di 1998.

Gambar kami (diambil sebelum sekatan Covid-19 semasa) menunjukkan Bendera Pride di luar pejabat Majlis Bandar Raya Dover