The Big Draw – Big Fun

Plik 2018 Big Draw was a huge success with all ages getting together at different places across Dover to have fun drawing together. Councillor Sue Jones and Councillor Chris Precious supported this year’s free event from their Councillor Ward Grant Budgets. Chris said

The Big Draw is a fabulous event which allows everyone in to pop in even for a very short time, be creative, enjoy themselves and be surprised by just what wonderful art we can make together.

Big thanks also go to Dover Arts Development who organised the event.

Do you feel your organisation or project could do with a bit of financial support? Will it benefit people living in your Town Council Ward? Is it good value for money? Then the Councillor Ward Grant Scheme could be just right for you. Councillors each have up to £1000 allocated to support applications. Forms are as quick and easy as possible to complete. They can be downloaded from the grants section of our website together with some short guidelines.

Your first step is to contact your Ward Councillors to discuss your idea and ask them to support you.