Finest Dour kami ialah projek yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran tentang River Dourin Dover. The Dourcontainsrarechalk streamhabitatandis rumah kepada banyak spesies menarik seperti trout coklat, kingfisherandgrey wagtail.

The three-year project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. Through establishing sustainable initiatives, projek ini bertujuan untuk memastikan penglibatan awam dengan sungai berterusan selepas tarikh ini.

Setakat ini, projek itu telah menetapkan pemantauan lalat hulu di Dour, menyediakan latihan untuk sukarelawan, membersihkan sungai yang dibiayai, delivered free activities to the public, engaged local schools and created a learning spaceThe River Dour Centrein the heart of Dover.

Within the wider area around the centre The White Cliffs Countryside Partnership was established with the aim of conserving and enhancing the unique coastal and rural areas.

Dover’s coast and countryside boast world-class biodiversity and historical significance. The White Cliffs, renowned globally, have served as England’s iconic entry and exit point for centuries.

Formed in 1989, the White Cliffs Countryside Partnership focuses on fostering sustainable tourism to preserve the region’s environment and local character, benefiting both residents and visitors.

For many years, WCCP has overseen public access land at High Meadow on behalf of the Dover Town Council, ensuring enjoyment for all. Dover offers a plethora of activities and events suitable for all ages.

Keen to learn more and contribute? Grab a copy of the WCCP programme and explore options like talks and workshops at Samphire Hoe, hands-on conservation efforts at the Western Heights and Whinless Down, and guided walks through the surrounding countryside and natural landscapes.

Details are available at local libraries, Visitor Information Centres and the Dover Town Council offices or log onto the WCCP website at