Planning Committee – Working Towards a Better Dover

The Planning Committee of the Town Council meets every month to scrutinise and comment on all Planning Applications in the Town. The Town Council knows that high quality planning is essential to improving the environment of Dover and 13 of the 18 Councillors sit on the Planning Committee and attend the monthly meetings. They are joined by 2 members of the Dover Society and together bring many years of experience and knowledge of the Town to their detailed consideration of applications.

The Town Council cannot grant planning permissions but Dover District Council must take into account the views expressed on behalf of the Local Community by the Town Council when making their decision on the application. Members of the Public are able to attend the meeting and may speak with the permission of the Chairman.

At the meeting on October 15வது the Committee considered 24 applications and most were supported. The Committee was careful to ensure that environmental and other conditions were to be complied with in applications.

Planning Regulations only allow objections to be raised for certain specific reasons such as that the finished development would lead to an increase in noise or level of traffic that would be harmful. At the meeting the Committee objected to one application for an extension on the grounds of over intensification of the building and the lack of plans for waste disposal and compliance with Fire Regulations. Strong objections were also raised to the change of use at the former Arc Concrete Works at Coombe Road to a facility for the storage, maintenance and distribution of shipping containers on the grounds that the access to the site is inadequate for large lorries using narrow residential roads 24/7 and that the noise, congestion and air pollution would have a negative impact on the amenities of residents and nearby routes.

The Committee also comments on alcohol and other licencing applications and objected to an application for the sale of alcohol on the basis of local and national issues related to anti-social behaviour and misuse of alcohol in a residential area.

Dover People care about their Town and deserve the best. The Town Council will continue to fight for Planning decisions that are in the best long-term interests of the whole Community. And in addition the Council is supporting The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group’s work on a Neighbourhood Plan for Dover which will give Local People much more say in how and what development is permitted in the Town and help ensure good high-quality planning decisions in accordance with local needs.