Your Town Council has been received the prestigious Quality Award as part of the Local Council Award Scheme. This achievement recognises that the council achieves good practice in governance, community engagement and council improvement. Moreover, the Council goes above and beyond their legal obligations, leading their communities and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and

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  Wejście do Muzeum w Dover będzie bezpłatne 1 sierpień. Muzeum jest siedzibą słynnej na całym świecie i wielokrotnie nagradzanej łodzi z epoki brązu z Dover oraz zbiorów o znaczeniu lokalnym i międzynarodowym. Once again a new generation of local children will be able to pop in and make friends with the enormous stuffed

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Rowery na plaży 2016

Despite unprecedented travel problems at the Port of Dover a few dozen bikes made it through to brighten the prom at the annual Dover “Bikes on the Beach” event on Saturday 23 lipiec. Bikers relaxed in deckchairs on the prom in glorious sunshine while Dover Transport Museum sold tickets for their magnificent restored 1972 BM500. …

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Sieć Miast Sprawiedliwego Handlu w Dover, wspierana przez Radę Miejską, świętowała w tym tygodniu odnowienie statusu miasta Sprawiedliwego Handlu. Od tego czasu Dover jest miastem sprawiedliwego handlu 2009. Miejscowa ludność delektowała się poczęstunkiem Sprawiedliwego Handlu, jednocześnie dowiadując się więcej o zrównoważonym rozwoju Sprawiedliwego Handlu i kwestiach środowiskowych od mówcy Lynette Aitken. The event was also attended

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Sturdy picnic tables and benches have just been installed at Elms Vale Recreation Ground for everyone to enjoy this summer. Town Councillors for the local Maxton Ward, Peter Wallace, Deborah Boulares, Miriam Wood and Roger Walkden gave money from their grant budget to help a local group “The Silverback Project” fund the materials they needed

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Do you have views on the future of the most significant public building in Dover the Maison Dieu? A working group, including Dover Town Council, Dover Town Council, and the Dover Society and Dover District Council, is preparing a major bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to secure the future of our Town Hall at

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Dover Town has been awarded Walkers are Welcome status. The proposal to work towards the internationally recognised accreditation has received ongoing support by the Town Council. A very wide ranging Steering group comprising of local Councillors, the Dover Society, local walking groups, White Cliffs Walking Festival, local hoteliers, White Cliffs partnerskie Wieś, Up on the

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