A Council grant of £6,000 from the Civic and Special Purposes Committee to St Radigund’s Community Centre will help support a professional Youth Coordinator to help some of Dover’s young people most in need. Nobody has found the last 18 months easy but there is increasing evidence that young people have been hit hard by


Dover will shine with a Lighthouse of Stars, A grant of £1,500 will allow Future Foundry to go ahead with a spectacular lantern procession as the Town’s welcome to the Walk with Amal project. Amal is a 3.5m tall puppet of a refugee child made by those who created War Horse. She is walking 8000km


Welcome back to Heritage Open Daysyour chance to see inside some of Dover’s hidden gems. A warm welcome waits for you from the volunteers and organisations that work all year to preserve our historic buildings and share the stories of our town’s past for future generations.

Huge congratulations to Dover Pride who were back in force this year with a fabulous live event on Saturday 28th August. The Town Centre was full of colour and fun with our annual celebration of diversity. The Town Council has been fully supportive of Dover Pride from the start and this year Councillor contributed £999


“河下”水可能是改善多佛分配水供應的答案. 在 6 月 22 日的社區和服務委員會會議上,議員投票決定在其分配地點使用鑽孔水的可行性. Water accessed directly for allotment use will reduce the demand for treated mains – supplied
