«Подречная» вода может стать ответом на улучшение водоснабжения на дуврских землях.. Councillors voted to explore the feasibility of using water from boreholes at its allotment site at the meeting of the Community and Services Committee on 22nd June. Water accessed directly for allotment use will reduce the demand for treated mains – supplied


Дувр: замки из песка? Не ищите ничего, кроме нашей собственной песчаной игровой площадки в Гранвильских садах, прямо рядом с пляжем.. Holidays away from home may not be on the cards this year but the kids can still have the best fun. Dover beaches are always open for a paddle or a swim – and


Мэр Дувра, Советник Гордон Коуэн, был очень рад недавно открыть новый сайт стоматологической практики South Cliff Dental Group в центре Дувра. Советник Коуэн сказал, что было большим удовольствием встретиться с командой и лично присутствовать на ней.. It is also nice to see a new dental practice opening in


Councillor Gordon Cowan began a third consecutive year as Mayor of Dover, making his declaration of acceptance of office at the first “in person” meeting of the Town Council since the easing of covid-19 restrictions. Councillor Cowan welcomed new Councillor Andy Calder to his meeting following his election for the St Radigunds Ward. The Council
