There was standing room only in the Dover Town Council chamber at the meeting.
Local people were able to give their views on the future of the Town at a meeting of the Neighbourhood Forum held at the Town Council offices. Tim Ingleton (Head of Inward Investment at Dover District Council) updated the meeting on the current state of play for the Dover Town Investment Zone, Neil Wiggins (Dover Town Team) gave a presentation on plans for the Market Square, and Allison Burton (LoveDover Regeneration) talked about plans to revitalise empty accommodation and shops in the Town Centre.
Councillor Pam Brivio chaired a lively question and answer session on all issues affecting the Town which clearly demonstrated the keen interest and concern of local people for the future of their Town and community.
The meeting was attended by the Town Mayor of Dover, Councillor Neil Rix and organised by Dover District Council and Kent County Council.