Zaproszenie – Procesja z latarniami „Trzeba o Was”., Niedziela 8 października.

Future Foundry and Dover Arts Development are hosting lantern making workshops to create lighthouse lanterns for the finale event of the DAD FestivalYou can reach the world from Dover’.
We are working with UCA Architecture students to enable them to create fabulous Lighthouse Lanterns inspired by Dover Lighthouses, which will be carried along Dover’s sea front at dusk, accompanied by lanterns made and carried by the Dover community.
Public workshopsSaturday 7th October
Workshop 1 – 10am to 12pm, Future Foundry Project Space, Charlton Centre, Dover
Workshop 2 – 1.00pm to 3.00pm, Future Foundry Project Space, Charlton Centre, Dover
Please let me know if you’d like to attend and if you arrive at the beginning of the workshop, that would be great!
Finale EventSunday 8th October
6.00 – 6.30po południu – Gather at ‘On the Crest of a Wave’cross channel swimmer statues to collect your lanterns.
6.45po południu – Uncollected lanterns will be handed out to the public
7.00po południu – Procession leaves and walks to Marina Curve via the new Pier
7.30po południu – Procession arrives
7.30 – Finale performance and speeches to close the festival
8po południu – Skończyć
More information coming soon!