Uderzając w wysokie tony - Rada popiera Młodzież Muzyka Dokonywanie z £ 2500 Grant

A £2,500 grant towards the Education Projects run in Dover by the Deal Music and Arts Festival has been pledged by the Civic and Special Projects Committee. Councillors have supported the mainly volunteer led festival since 2008, doing their bit to fill the gaps left by reductions in Government funding for music education.

This year the grant will help fund children at Astor, Pola Priorytetowe, St Martin’s and Barton Schools to take part in “Bold As” a projectlearning to play brass instruments followed up by a concert at Dover Town Hall. “Jazz Journey” workshops will be held at Dover Grammar School for Girls.

Families will be able to enjoy fun music events for free across the district and students from 8-25 will be able to attend many concerts with up to 100% discount on tickets.

Education projects are focused on helping those in most need of support including young people with special needs. Badania wykazały, że muzyka i taniec poprawy możliwości i jednoczenia ludzi w całej kulturowe, społeczne i ekonomiczne podziały. It helps children and young people believe in themselves and tackles the challenges brought by poverty and deprivation.

Każdego roku festiwal przyciąga muzyków i wykonawców z wybitnych międzynarodowych reputacji i poprawia gospodarkę i profil kulturowej obszaru czyni go lepszym miejscem do życia, praca i wizyta.

The Festival dates are Friday 28th Od czerwca do soboty 13th July and the Programme is out now with full details of events and other educational projects happening throughout the year – more information is on their website www.dealmusicandarts.com