Čo pre vás znamenajú Biele útesy?
„Vzrušujúce, stimulujúce a úplne vyčerpávajúce“ bol verdikt umelkyne Elaine Triby o jej týždňovom nepretržitom rozhovore s miestnymi ľuďmi o novom umeleckom diele „Gateway to the Cliffs“, ktoré bude označovať cestu z Athol Terrace na vrchol útesov..
Elaine based herself in “The White Shop” a pop-up art-space opposite Costa Coffee in Biggin Street and hundreds of local families popped in to chat, share their thoughts, memories and feelings about the White Cliffs, contribute to a fantastic mural, learn to make origami birds and decorate clay coccoliths. Lots of people visited more than once and their work can be seen on display in the window.
Elaine is now back in her studio working on the project and plans to be in Dover at the end of May to continue her consultation work. In the meantime why not take a look at the Gateway website www.gatewaytothewhitecliffs.weebly.com ? Elaine’s contact details are on the website and she is looking forward to more local contributions and ideas.
Dover Town Council is joining with the Up on the Downs Project to make a number of improvements that will result in the link between the Town and the Cliffs being better known and used by locals and tourists alike. Financovanie od mestskej rady už dalo prístupu Athol Terrace oveľa inteligentnejší vzhľad.