英國政府新的緊急警報系統已上線,當生命面臨危險時,人們可以透過手機聯繫. 它將用於在緊急情況下向您發出警告, 例如嚴重的水災.
緊急警報會傳送到風險區域內的所有相容手機. They don’t track your location, need your phone number, or collect personal data. Only the government and the emergency services will be able to send them. If you don’t have a mobile phone, you’ll still be kept informed through other channels.
If you get an Emergency Alert on your phone, you’ll hear a loud, siren-like sound. A message on your screen will tell you about the emergency and how best to respond. You’ll be able to check an alert is genuine at gov.uk/alerts. To ensure the Emergency Alerts system works effectively, we’ll be carrying out a nationwide test on Sunday 23rd April between 3-3:30下午.
If you receive an alert, read the alert carefully and follow the instructions. You can opt out of receiving emergency alerts; for more information on how to opt out please go to gov.uk/alerts.
To find out more about Emergency Alerts, 訪問 gov.uk/alerts.