Noul sistem de alerte de urgență al guvernului britanic este activ și va permite oamenilor să fie contactați prin intermediul telefonului mobil atunci când viețile sunt în pericol. Va fi folosit pentru a vă avertiza în caz de urgență, precum inundațiile severe.
Alertele de urgență sunt trimise către toate telefoanele mobile compatibile într-o zonă de risc. They don’t track your location, need your phone number, or collect personal data. Only the government and the emergency services will be able to send them. If you don’t have a mobile phone, you’ll still be kept informed through other channels.
If you get an Emergency Alert on your phone, you’ll hear a loud, siren-like sound. A message on your screen will tell you about the emergency and how best to respond. You’ll be able to check an alert is genuine at To ensure the Emergency Alerts system works effectively, we’ll be carrying out a nationwide test on Sunday 23rd April between 3-3:30p.m.
If you receive an alert, read the alert carefully and follow the instructions. You can opt out of receiving emergency alerts; for more information on how to opt out please go to
To find out more about Emergency Alerts, visit