Mayor Chris Precious was delighted to hand over a cheque for £500.00 to members of The White Cliffs Ramblers to help them with their preparations for the White Cliffs Walking Festival to take place between Thursday 25ου August and Wednesday 31st Αύγουστος 2016.
Last year’s festival attracted hundreds of walkers to the Dover area and this year is set to do the same. Με 40 different walks already planned to appeal to local people and visitors alike, the Festival hopes to promote the love of walking for health, interest and enjoyment within the setting of Dover’s iconic landscape. The White Cliffs Walking Festival is an annual event that has already increased awareness of the area’s venerable heritage and glorious sountryside and seems likely to do this and more in the years to come.
To find out more, visit The White Cliffs Ramblers website: