DTC i Up on the Downs zaprezentują rzeki Dour i High Meadow podczas weekendu wielkanocnego

Wszyscy jesteśmy rozpieszczani naturalnym pięknem Dover i otaczającym nas przepychem, czasami potrzeba przypomnienia, aby zdać sobie sprawę, ile można zyskać dzięki głębszemu zaangażowaniu w dany obszar. wysoka Łąka, z hektarami nieuprawianych użytków zielonych, is one of the very few in existence today and the fragility of this unique, specialised ecosystem make it a resource that deserves a closer look. The River Dour is another hidden gem in Dover’s crown that might merit more than an appreciative glance. Dover Town Council and Up on the Downs hope to showcase both these areas in 3 days of events over the Easter weekend to give a fuller understanding of the area and to inspire us all to delve deeper into the beauty of Dover. With three days of events ranging from bushcraft and wilderness survival to a spectacular seasonal egg hunt, there will be something for everyone this Easter at High Meadow and on the River Dour.


niedziela 27th Marsz 2016- Surviving the Wild

An afternoon of geocaching from the River Dour to High Meadow: fire skills, knots, building shelters. For people aged 13-18 only. Wear sturdy shoes!

Czas: 1pm til around 4pm

Cost: Free!

Meeting Point: Beaconsfield Road, near the Dour-look out for the Wacky Wagon nearby!

Lider: Pete Evans, Skills Horizon


Monday 28th Marsz 2016 Easter Eggstravaganza

Two hours of Easter-themed geocaching, fire and fun up at High Meadow!

Czas: 10am-12pm OR 2pm-4pm


Meeting Point: wysoka Łąka, Noah’s Ark Road-look out for the Wacky Wagon!

Lider: Pete Evans, Skills Horizon


wtorek 29th Marsz 2016- Surviving the Wild 2

An afternoon of Geocaching from the River Dour to High Meadow, fire skills, knots , building shelters. For people aged 13-18 only. Wear sturdy shoes!

Czas: I pm til around 4 po południu

Cost: Free!

Meeting Point: Beaconsfield Road, near The Dour-Look out for the Wacky Wagon!

Lider: Pete Evans, Skills Horizon


To book a place on any of the above, please contact Iona on 01304 872 157

To further information visit Up on the Downs :
