Demencja Friendly Dover

Wszyscy wiemy, że ktoś z demencją, ale wiemy, co możemy zrobić, aby uczynić życie trochę łatwiejsze, że dla nich i ci, którzy się nimi opiekować?

Rada Miejska jest wspieranie współpracy z lokalnymi partnerami, aby wygrać oficjalny status Dover jako „Dementia Friendly Wspólnoty”. A very successful drop-in event was held last year to help people learn more about Dementia and the support available to them. Plans are now underway for a larger event in the Town Hall on 27 Luty 2018 (10am to 1pm) with support from Dover District Council and part funded by a grant of £500 from Kent County Council.

Individuals, businesses and organisations are welcome to attend to learn more about how a Dementia Friendly Community looks out for those with the illness. We will also be able to listen to the personal experiences of those with dementia and those who care for them. With a bit more understanding we can all make small changes in behaviour and attitude that will make a huge difference to the quality of life for those living with dementia.

Keep an eye out for posters and on our website for more details or contact us at the Town Council –