Raadslid Wyk Toekennings

Goeie idee? Moet 'n bietjie van befondsing? - Die Raadslid Ward Grant Skema

Voel jy jou organisasie of projek kan doen met 'n bietjie van finansiële ondersteuning? Sal dit tot voordeel van die mense wat in jou Stadsraad Ward? Is dit goeie waarde vir geld? Is the funding you need less than £1,000? Die raadslid Ward Grant Skema kan net reg vir jou. Councillors each have up to £500 allocated to support applications. You can ask more than one Councillor for a grant and they can combine their budgets to support larger grants. Projects supported so far this year have included £163 to Dover sMART project towards the cost of a gazebo for community events, £100 to Dover Big Local to support children’s craft workshops, and £250 towards improved security at the Clarendon and Westbury Community Centre. Vorms is so vinnig en maklik as moontlik te voltooi. Hulle kan afgelaai word vanaf die artikel toelaes van ons webwerf saam met 'n paar kort riglyne.

Kontak jou wyksraadslid eerste om jou idee te bespreek en vra hulle om jou te ondersteun.