
好主意? 需要资金的一点点? - 司法官沃德资助计划

你觉得你的组织或项目可能有一点资金支持做? 这将有利于生活在你的镇议会病区的人? Is it good value for money? Is the funding you need less than £1,000? The Councillor Ward Grant Scheme could be just right for you. Councillors each have up to £500 allocated to support applications. 你可以问一个以上委员的补助,他们可以结合自己的预算,以支持更大的补助金. 今年迄今为止支持项目包括£163朝凉亭的社区活动的费用多佛智能项目, £100多佛大的地方来支持孩子们的手工作坊, 和£250对在克拉伦登和韦斯特伯里社区中心提高了安全性. Forms are as quick and easy as possible to complete. They can be downloaded from the grants section of our website together with some short guidelines.
