Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade Dover War Memorial Sunday 14 Novembris 2021   Pēc 11:00 par piemiņas svētdiena Dover vīriešiem, women and children gathered at the People of Dover’s War Memorial to honour the memory of all the service men and women who gave their lives in armed conflicts past and present. Beigās 60 wreaths

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Dover’s Market Square Kitchen is much more than a café. The Independent Police Advisory Group meets there regularly for a lively discussion of community issues. A priority is connecting the police and other public services with the wide range of diverse local groups in Dover. National Hate Crime Week this year (9th – 16th October)…

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“It’s an amazing and important event for Dover” “It’s great to see an event link the Town and the Castle” “Wonderful and spectacular – the lanterns are beautiful” Hundreds of local people carrying 500 handmade lanterns and stars turned out on Wednesday 20th October to greet Amal and walk with her in procession from Pencester

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Welcome back to Heritage Open Daysyour chance to see inside some of Dover’s hidden gems. A warm welcome waits for you from the volunteers and organisations that work all year to preserve our historic buildings and share the stories of our town’s past for future generations.