Local volunteers from The Royal British Legion (White Cliffs Branch) were working hard today to set out the nearly 200 official black RBL crosses in the 2021 Garden of Remembrance at the People of Dover’s War Memorial. Each cross represents a part of the armed forces where a local person served and gave their life


Dover’s Market Square Kitchen is much more than a café. The Independent Police Advisory Group meets there regularly for a lively discussion of community issues. A priority is connecting the police and other public services with the wide range of diverse local groups in Dover. National Hate Crime Week this year (9th – 16th October)…


“도버에게는 놀랍고 중요한 이벤트입니다.” “타운과 성을 연결하는 이벤트를 보는 것이 좋습니다.” “굉장하고 장관입니다. 등불이 아름답습니다” 수백 명의 현지인이 나르는 500 handmade lanterns and stars turned out on Wednesday 20th October to greet Amal and walk with her in procession from Pencester


A Council grant of £6,000 from the Civic and Special Purposes Committee to St Radigund’s Community Centre will help support a professional Youth Coordinator to help some of Dover’s young people most in need. Nobody has found the last 18 months easy but there is increasing evidence that young people have been hit hard by


Heritage Open Days에 오신 것을 환영합니다. – 도버의 숨겨진 보석 중 일부를 볼 수 있는 기회. 우리의 역사적인 건물을 보존하고 미래 세대를 위해 우리 마을의 과거 이야기를 공유하기 위해 일년 내내 일하는 자원 봉사자와 조직의 따뜻한 환영.