Sunday January 17th is a red letter day in Dover as the Major Award-winning Cory Band will be holding a Brass Master Class and conducting an afternoon concert at Charlton Church from 3:30 naar 5:30 p.m. Sponsored by Dover Town Council and Eythorne Silver Band, The Welsh band, ranked No.1 in the World for the last

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Christmas Eve will mark 101 years since the first bomb fell on British soil at the start of the Great War. The explosive landed in Taswell Street but was intended for Dover Castle. It fell short and threw a gardener at St James’s Rectory, James Banks, from a tree he was pruning. Mr Banks was

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This year promises to be the best ever with stalls and entertainment of all descriptions culminating in the switching on of the Christmas Lights in the Market Square at 5:00pm by the Town Mayor of Dover, Councillor Precious, supported by the local Christmas Pantomime Casts (DODS) Beauty & The Beast, (Blackfish) Schone slaapster, en (Dover…

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Er is iets minder dan twee weken te gaan tot spectaculaire Christmas Lights Dover Town Council's Switch On! zaterdag 5 December markeert de start van het vakantieseizoen met plezier voor het hele gezin als Biggin Street Markt is omgetoverd tot een winter wonderland van kraampjes, vermaak, en vakantie juichen. Supported by the Dover Town Team

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Dover District Council begon een periode van formeel overleg in het kader van de herziening van de Verklaring van Licensing beleid onder de Licensing Act 2003. De formele raadpleging liep van 27 Juli 2015 totdat 19 Oktober 2015 in overeenstemming met de wettelijke eisen die moeten het beleid om de vijf jaar worden herzien. Below is a

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