“Growing More Securely” A brand new fence at the Astley Avenue Allotment site will make sure that the 70 plus allotment holders will be able to “grow forward” with more security and peace of mind. Dover Town Council who own the site paid for the new fence costing £23,000 as part of a package

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Was bedeuten Ihnen die Weißen Klippen??   “Exciting, stimulating and totally exhausting” was artist Elaine Triby’s verdict on her week’s non-stop talking with local people about the new “Gateway to the Cliffs” artwork which will mark the path from Athol Terrace to the top of the cliffs. Elaine based herself in “The White

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Dover Town Council is delighted with the news that the Marine Management Organisation has approved the Harbour Revision Order. And even more delighted that the MMO has addressed this Council’s issues fully in its decision statement. The decision statement demonstrates clearly that the Town’s objections have been met and concessions made because Dover Town Council

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All electors in the Town of Dover are urged to attend The Annual Town Meeting which will be held at the Maison Dieu (Town Hall), High Street, Dover on Thursday 3rd March 2016 at 6:00 pm.   The main item of business will be a debate and vote on the motion, “The People of the

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LEUTE VON DOVER AWARDS 2016 Die Leute von Dover Awards wurden ins Leben gerufen 3 Jahren von Dover Stadtrat, mit der Unterstützung von The Dover Mercury, die Personen zu ehren, Gruppen und Unternehmen, deren Engagement, Gemeinschaftssinn und persönliches Engagement Hilfe Dover ein wunderbarer Ort, um zu leben und zu arbeiten. Seit 2013…

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Sunday January 17th is a red letter day in Dover as the Major Award-winning Cory Band will be holding a Brass Master Class and conducting an afternoon concert at Charlton Church from 3:30 zu 5:30 pm. Sponsored by Dover Town Council and Eythorne Silver Band, The Welsh band, ranked No.1 in the World for the last

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Keep Saturday the 16th of January free as the Mayor of Dover, Ratsmitglied Chris Edel, is holding a fun-filled evening at St. Mary the Virgin Parish Hall on Cannon Street in Dover. Doors open at 7 pm. With live performances by Dover Tales and The Mighty Cowpats, as well as an auction and a quiz,…

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Christmas Eve will mark 101 years since the first bomb fell on British soil at the start of the Great War. The explosive landed in Taswell Street but was intended for Dover Castle. It fell short and threw a gardener at St James’s Rectory, James Banks, from a tree he was pruning. Mr Banks was

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