Міська рада Дувра висловлює співчуття родинам і друзям загиблих у жахливій атаці у Вестмінстері в середу. Бажаємо постраждалим повного та швидкого одужання. Ми повністю підтримуємо нашу поліцію та тих, хто працює та бере на себе особистий ризик, щоб забезпечити безпеку наших громад. It is important that we all


    Dover Town Council Chamber was standing room only on 1 February for the official launch of Dover as a “Walkers are Welcome” town. The event marked the successful completion of a strict accreditation process including a petition of support signed by over 1000 local people and is an enormous achievement for the local


‘The Table’ sculpture is back at in the town at Charlton Green. ‘The Table’ was built in the Old Sorting Office at Charlton Green. Weighing about 5 tons and measuring 4 meters across, it is constructed from timber reclaimed from the Britannia pub and Buckland paper mill and was built by artists Anthony Heywood and Uwe Derksen, with help from local
