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Dover Town Council Chamber was standing room only on 1 February for the official launch of Dover as a “Walkers are Welcome” town. The event marked the successful completion of a strict accreditation process including a petition of support signed by over 1000 local people and is an enormous achievement for the local Walkers are Welcome Group co-ordinated by Cllr Pam Brivio. The launch celebrated the huge wealth of opportunities in Dover for local walkers and visitors with presentations from Destination Dover, the White Cliffs Countryside Partnership, local walking groups and other organisations involved in promoting walking in the area. Walkers are Welcome status will benefit local businesses including those offering accommodation, food and other facilities. The event also showcased the new Walkers are Welcome website www.doverwalkersarewelcome.org.uk with details of everything on offer, future plans and how you can get involved.

The Town Mayor of Dover Councillor Neil Rix and the Chairman of Dover District Council Councillor Sue Chandler attended the launch and gave enthusiastic support for this exciting new development.