The Mayor and Mayoress of Dover, Rdl en mev Rix, and others from Dover Town Council attended the Pebbles screening event at the Silver Screen Cinema in Dover. Die betekenis, geskiedenis, geology and importance of the English Channel pose many questions and in 2016 Dover Town Council commissioned Dover Arts Development to deliver the Pebbles Project to deepen understanding and

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DOVER PARADES AND SERVICES HONOUR WAR HEROES Hundreds of people lined the streets of Dover to pay their respects to those who were killed and wounded during the Zeebrugge Raid 100 jaar gelede wat was die mees gewaagde amfibiese aanval van die Groot Oorlog.   The raid on the Belgian port was a desperate

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Dover se fantastiese warm gemeenskap het bymekaargekom by die jaarlikse Town Vergadering gisteraand na 'n paar van die viering van die Town se heel beste by die mense van Dover Toekennings. Die burgemeester, Raadslid Neil Rix voorsitter van die vergadering en Ere Freeman van Dover Mnr Graham Tutthill het die toekennings. Members of the public had voted to choose the

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Baie geluk aan Raadslid Sue Jones wat gekies is as burgemeester van Dover vir 2018/19 en om Raadslid Ian Palmer wat sal haar ondersteun as onderburgemeester. Councillors voted at their meeting last night and the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor will formally take their oaths of office at “Burgemeester Making” on 24th May in the

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A huge thank you to all those who yesterday supported the Centenary Commemorations in Dover yesterday of the raid on Zeebrugge on 23rd April, St George's Day, 1918. Die slagoffers van die aanval was onthou met eer deur dienende lede van die gewapende magte, veterane, kadette, burgerlike leiers en die plaaslike gemeenskap. May they rest

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Die fokus van herinnering in Dover is die People of Dover's War Memorial voor Maison Dieu-huis in die hartjie van die dorp. dorp burgemeester, Raadslid Neil Rix, Dover gebore en getoë, het gevoel dat die Ordonnansie op wat nodig is om iets baie spesiaal in doen 2018, the centenary of the First World War to remember

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The People of Dover Awards were launched 5 years ago by Dover Town Council, to honour the individuals, groups and businesses whose commitment, sense of community and personal involvement help to make Dover a wonderful place in which to live and work. Sedert 2013 there have been a host of award winners, all exemplifying the

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The Town Council’s Civic and Special Projects Committee met on 2 February and gave local charity Cherished Gowns a £2657 grant to support grieving families following the devastating loss of a baby. Cherished Gowns provides free of charge clothing packs to parents and hospitals around the UK for babies that are stillborn, miscarried or pass

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Local Dover chippie Castle Take-away has been awarded a Certificate of Appreciation by the White Cliffs Ramblers who run the popular White Cliffs Walking Festival. The Festival which goes from strength to strength was supported by the Town Council with a £500 grant in 2017. The Fish and Chip Walk sees walkers hike the 10

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