Dover Weihnachten Wochenende 2018   Samstag 1. Dezember – 11am to 6pm Grand Christmas Lights Switch-OnSaturday 5pm Sunday 2nd December – 10am to 4pm Don’t miss out on the fabulous Christmas Weekend in Dover Town Centre. Kommen Sie und treffen Kents nur Weihnachten Chinese Dragon, see the Chinese Lion Dancing and shake

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Remembrance Sunday Service und Parade Dover War Memorial Sonntag 11 November 2018     Um 11.00 Uhr am Sonntag, 11 November, 100 Jahre nach der Unterzeichnung des Waffenstillstands in 1918, mehr Männer, women and children than ever gathered at the People of Dover’s war memorial to honour the memory of all the service men

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DOVER TOWN COUNCIL Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade Dover War Memorial Sunday 11 November 2018   Um 11.00 Uhr am Sonntag, 11 November 2018, 100 Jahre nach der Unterzeichnung des Waffenstillstands in 1918, Dover wird alle Soldatinnen und Soldaten, die ihr Leben in den Dienst ihres Landes gegeben haben, erinnern. In this

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Over £250 for the Alzheimer’s Society was raised by teams at the Mayor’s Halloween Charity Quiz. The Council Chamber was full to capacity in a keenly fought contest that kept Quizmaster Brian Constable on his toes. Congratulations to the winning team “All the Kings Men” and to Brian and his team for working so hard

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A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop – Everybody Welcome A Neighbourhood Planning Workshop is being held on Thursday morning 29th November 10 zu 12.30 at the Biggin Hall behind the Town Council offices in Dover. Come along to share your ideas with others about how Dover could be made better over a cup of tea and

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Das 2018 Big Draw was a huge success with all ages getting together at different places across Dover to have fun drawing together. Councillor Sue Jones and Councillor Chris Precious supported this year’s free event from their Councillor Ward Grant Budgets. Chris saidThe Big Draw is a fabulous event which allows everyone in

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Der Planungsausschuss des Stadtrats trifft sich jeden Monat, um alle Planungsanträge in der Stadt zu prüfen und zu kommentieren. Der Stadtrat weiß, dass eine qualitativ hochwertige Planung für die Verbesserung der Umwelt von Dover und 13 des 18 Die Ratsmitglieder sitzen im Planungsausschuss und nehmen an den monatlichen Sitzungen teil. Sie sind…

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