WHAT IS FAIRTRADE? Fairtrade is a simple way each one of use can make a difference through our every day choices. It is about better prices, dôstojné pracovné podmienky, miestnej udržateľnosti a spravodlivé obchodné podmienky pre poľnohospodárov a pracovníkov v rozvojových krajinách. Fairtrade aims to enable the poorest farmers and workers to improve

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Dover District Council is consulting on its Draft Local Plan until 17th March 2021. To take part please click on the link below:-   https://www.doverdistrictlocalplan.co.uk/ Alebo ak máte akékoľvek ďalšie otázky týkajúce sa webových stránok, objektívne alebo iné otázky týkajúce sa miestneho plánu, please email us at localplan@dover.gov.uk or call the dedicated local plan

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We were very sad to hear of the death recently of former Mayor Mrs Margaret Sansum . Margaret joined the Council as one of its first Councillors when it was formed in 1996, and was elected Mayor in 1999/2000. Margaret earned the respect of her fellow Councillors with her quiet but firm manner. She was

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Mestská rada v Doveri vám želá šťastné a bezpečné sviatočné sviatky a lepšie a žiarivejšie 2021 pre nás všetkých. Kliknite sem a prečítajte si náš zimný spravodaj. Na videu nižšie si pozrite najdôležitejšie udalosti zo zimnej požiarnej záhrady v Dovere.

Dover is celebrating Christmas in style this year with a 28ft high tree in the Market Square covered with 6000 lights in blue and brilliant white all topped with a special festive star. The tree is surrounded by over 60 large snowflake decorations in matching blue and white are spread throughout the Town Centre in

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On Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th December, Dover Town Council invites you to see the Roman Lawn near Market Square transformed and illuminated by outdoor arts experts Walk the Plank as they bring their Fire Garden to the town for a unique fiery event.   The Fire Garden is an outdoor family experience which has

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Každý rok od novembra 13 - 19, people and organizations around the world participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility about transgender people and address issues members of the community face. V priebehu týždňa transrodové osoby a ich spojenci podniknú kroky na riešenie problémov predsudkov, diskriminácia, and violence that affect the transgender

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