Dover District Council is consulting on its Draft Local Plan until 17th March 2021. To take part please click on the link below:- Or if you have any further questions in relation to the website, objective or other Local Plan enquiries, please email us at or call the dedicated local plan

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Dover is celebrating Christmas in style this year with a 28ft high tree in the Market Square covered with 6000 lights in blue and brilliant white all topped with a special festive star. The tree is surrounded by over 60 large snowflake decorations in matching blue and white are spread throughout the Town Centre in

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V sobotu 12. a v neděli 13. prosince, Rada města Dover vás zve, abyste viděli římský trávník poblíž Tržního náměstí transformovaný a osvětlený odborníky na venkovní umění Walk the Plank, když přinášejí do města ohnivou zahradu pro jedinečnou ohnivou událost.   The Fire Garden is an outdoor family experience which has

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Každý rok od listopadu 13 - 19, people and organizations around the world participate in Transgender Awareness Week to help raise the visibility about transgender people and address issues members of the community face. Během týdne transsexuálové a jejich spojenci přijmou opatření k řešení problémů předsudků, diskriminace, and violence that affect the transgender

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