Every year for decades the Dover Film has recorded the highlights of life in the Town – forming a unique and moving chronicle of changing times. And this year is no different as the volunteer film team captured a year like no other. The footage begins with the normality of early 2020, the DODS panto


ทุกๆปี Dover จะระลึกถึงและให้เกียรติแก่ชายที่ต่อสู้และเสียชีวิตระหว่างการจู่โจมตุ่นที่ Zeebrugge ในวันเซนต์จอร์จ, 23ถ. เมษายน 1918. ข้อ จำกัด Covid-19 ในปัจจุบันหมายความว่าไม่สามารถเกิดการระลึกถึงแบบดั้งเดิมได้. ปีนี้, the 103rd Anniversary of the Dover Patrol’s heroic and historic raid will be observed


There was a just a little bit more Easter sunshine in Dover as 161 local households nominated by schools and community leaders enjoyed chocolate eggs together with their own favourite treats using supermarket vouchers provided as part of the Council’s Easter project. Following on from a similar successful scheme at Christmas the Council has worked


80 households in Dover are just about to get vital help to learn on-line with a refurbished computer or tablet. Councillors have given £1,200 from their Ward Grant budgets to local organisation Top-Up-To-Teach to deliver this much needed support to children who have been unable to go to school during the pandemic. Top-Up-To-Teach organises the
